If you have ever been on a cruise to the Caribbean, every port of call has nimble fingered ladies who will do cornrows and braids in your hair as a souvenir of your trip. Those folks are no more the artist than my son-in-law's family is with their huge farm machines when they plant out their real corn rows on southwestern Minnesota fields!
I've seen a few corn crops in the Hills area, too. I wonder if they'll reach full maturity! It doesn't seem like it. Hubby and I are eating a lot of corn these days, we love it.
These plants were way taller than I am and had good sized ears, they are seed corn, so we didn't eat any of it. Neighbors in this area grow corn and peas for DelMonte, so there is some good eatin' stuff around.
I was just in North Georgia and the corn is planted so close together up here you really don't see any rows!
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