He appeared on a fence post on the corner of our road a week ago, no explanation, no sign, no anything, no idea why he's there. Much speculation about his origins, intentions and purpose for being. You don't normally spot aliens keeping company with Angus cattle in a South Dakota pasture....
I once saw a, uh, woman's undergarment stretched across the two branches of a recently cut tree in Iowa. Not sure how that got there either though I suppose the local youth were connected somehow.
My bet would be local youth as well.
My youngest daughter is highly amused by the church down the road that has used whole pairs of panty hose to tie the baby trees around their parking lot to the stakes along side. Seems rather risque to her to have underwear in the parking lot and maybe God has a sense of humor too.
Makes a great scarecrow, and maybe it will keep those grasshoppers away. marge
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