Sunday, November 21

um. I don't think you'll Fit

Yesterday when I installed the heater in the birdbath, the turkeys paid no attention. This morning, however, a drink was in order. I am used to seeing chickadees and robins perched on the edge, they fit a little more in scale.

I think if this lady hopped in we would see Archimedes' Principle at work!

My apologies for any who were offended by the anonymous comment on yesterday's post. I have removed whole post and modified the comments section so that crap doesn't appear again.


Andora said...

I am surprised she didn't turn it over!! you gotta love em though..we have a lot of turkey here that come in the yard a lot and I love to see them..

Jann said...

I somehow missed this post, too funny! We don't get turkeys in our yard but I have to bring the feeders in every night so the deer don't eat all the seeds. I haven't seen cottontails last year or this year, really bums me out.