Wednesday, June 16

seeing is Bee-lieving

It wasn't till I looked at the pictures in Photoshop that I realized I caught the bee leaving. My Harrison's Yellow, the old fashioned, thousand thorns per square inch, immensely fragrant rose is at its peak. Full of every conceivable kind of bee and perfuming the whole yard. It would be the perfect rose if it bloomed all summer, not just as an ephemeral June treasure.

1 comment:

Aunty Belle said...

thanky fer yore visit today!!

And I see youse a wordworm too--"ephemeral" --lovely.

I wish yore Harrison would grow here--we could use more fragrant varieties-- hard time with the Heritage / Old Fashioned roses...but I does try to grow what will grow. And yellow is almost mah favorite color rose--edged out by Medallion's peachy blush.