Thursday, July 7

is this a Cowbird?

The mountain bluebird is watching for his open range companions who should be arriving in their summer pasture any day this week. Will he be startled when Angus and Black Baldies show up instead of Jerseys???
Why in the world do they sell "beware of dairy cows" signs out here in the prairie grasslands instead of ones for the omnipresent beef animals? No idea.


Anonymous said...

DOT specifications; no deviations. Also why western states post white-tailed deer graphics everywhere ungulates may cross roads.

Florida Beach Basics said...

cowbird - tee hee. your butterly pic in the previous post is gorgeous!

Caroline said...

Anon...I knew there was an answer. Why do those white-tailed deer graphics look like great danes with antlers?

Marge...waiting for Shuttle launch as we speak. Thanks for compliment, it was a one chance shot before he flew again.