Monday, March 15

gnomes, go Home!

Hokey garden art like gnomes and pink flamingoes make my husband crazy. So, of course, I tuck one in somewhere (in a very obvious place) in the yard every spring to get a reaction out of him. He knows full well what I am doing and resists the urge to say anything at all to make me crazy, pretends that he doesn't notice it. Total exercise in futility on my part, but some day...I WILL WIN. 

This branch stub on one of our big pine trees was just begging for some embellishment, so I obliged the "tree spirit" with a Sharpie I had in my shirt pocket. It does not face the house, so I am waiting for him to discover it and NOT comment. We shall see if I get the satisfaction of a reaction, or if I have to go find something more obnoxious yet, the possibilities are limitless.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How persnickety!